Who We Are

Mission Statement

At Satori Dance and Wellness, we are passionately committed to nurturing individuals through the transformative power of dance. Our mission is to foster personal growth, cultivate authentic connections, and build a vibrant community. Join us on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, wellness, and pure joy.

Core Values

Continuous Learning: At Satori, our instructors are not only highly qualified and well-trained, but they also embody a growth mindset. They constantly enhance their own dance skills and teaching techniques through mentorship under the world's elite instructors and dancers, embracing a culture of continuous improvement.

Respect: Every step taken by Satori dancers and instructors reflects our profound respect for one another and the rich history of the dances we celebrate. We honor the traditions while embracing innovation and creativity.

Student Autonomy: At Satori, we believe in empowering our students to choose their own dance adventure. Our diverse range of Academic and Social classes, series, and workshops provide opportunities for dancers to pursue their specific dance goals and interests, fostering individual growth and self-expression.

Unity: Satori thrives on collaboration. We actively partner with local and international instructors and dance schools to offer unique workshops and special classes, enriching our dance community and creating a sense of unity that transcends boundaries.

Join us at Satori Dance and Wellness, where continuous learning, respect, student autonomy, and unity converge to create a vibrant and supportive dance environment. Let's embark on this incredible journey together!

Dancers’ Code of Conduct

Studio Etiquette Guidelines:

1. Enter through the front door only: For the safety and security of everyone, we kindly request that you use the designated entrance to our studio.

2. Wellness is our top priority: We want to create a healthy environment for all. Please attend classes and socials only when you are feeling well and free from any contagious illnesses.

3. No photography or video without permission: Respecting privacy is important to us. Please refrain from taking photographs or videos without obtaining explicit permission and consent from the owner or individuals involved.

4. Zero tolerance for bullying or harassment: We have a strict policy against any form of bullying or harassment. Such behavior is not tolerated and will result in immediate removal and banning from the studio.

5. No solicitation at the studio: To maintain a focused and inclusive environment, soliciting patrons of the studio during socials, classes, or in online Satori student forums is strictly prohibited and will result in removal or banning from the studio.

6. Keep conflicts outside the studio: While conflicts may arise, we kindly ask that you address and resolve them outside of the studio. Let's maintain a positive and harmonious atmosphere within our dance community.

7. Be vigilant and supportive: If you witness any concerning behavior, please speak up. Not everyone may feel comfortable advocating for themselves, so let's look out for one another and work as a team to ensure the safety and well-being of our dance family.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can create an inclusive and welcoming space where everyone can fully enjoy the Satori Dance and Wellness experience. Thank you for your cooperation and let's dance together in harmony!

Please remember – it is a privilege to participate in dance classes and social dances. One’s behavior must merit that privilege.

Note: These statements are also found on our registration form, and every dancer must agree to them before enrolling in any class.